Theory of Asynchronous Evolution


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Supplementing Each Other

Man is a social animal.
 B. Spinosa (1632-1677).

This is a commentary on the Parade magazine article “Are Men Smarter Than Women?” published July 17, 2005 by Marilyn vos Savant in Parade "Ask Marilyn" section).

It seems that her answer to this question is “No”. Or even if there are some differences between genders in terms of intelligence they can not be correctly measured. And if we can not tell, one can assume that they are equal. And how is she explaining the fact that there is definite gender disparity in science? Well, women are “…handicapped by their upbringing” or just not attracted by boring scientific problems. This can be right but it is just part of the problem and still does not explain why they are handicapped or bored. One can argue that women should not be bored by literature or peace problems. Still they hold only 10% of Nobel Prizes in those fields (Nobel Prize Internet Archive).

“Human” (psychological or social) explanations are limited to humans only and can not explain this phenomenon, which is much wider and applies to plants and animals as well. The roots of human sex differences are biological and should be explained on that level. It’s hard to understand social and psychological differences between genders without knowing their biological roles. We know that females are needed for reproduction. But what males are for? It is known, that many species do not have males and survive successfully. It is known, also, that the male sex was created as a modification or variation of a basic female one.

Nature is economical and do not create things without purpose. Here, however we see half of the male population unable to produce progeny without help of females. Compare this to hermaphrodite species where each individual is self sufficient. Hardly men were created similar to women with just the exception of reproductive organs. It’s more logical to assume that two sexes supplement each other and specialize in some functions, which another sex performs insufficiently well or cannot perform at all.

According to the new evolutionary theory of sex (author Vigen Geodakyan) these functions are two opposite aspects of evolution—preservation and change. It should be noted that these aspects are alternative—the more you change, the less you can preserve and vice versa. Just as one person cannot be short and tall at the same time. This is the reason why living creatures have two sexes. Basic function of female sex is to preserve the already acquired useful traits. The male sex has another task—to change and to verify the new traits on themselves.

In order to accomplish this task Nature gave male sex more variety (wider variation). If we define a trait, which most frequently is encountered in the population as a norm, and all the remaining deviations as different degree of abnormality or anomaly, than it is possible to say, that female sex is more normal almost on all traits, and male sex is somewhat more anomalous, due to that, they spread out more, have more imperfections. Anomaly is the feature, which is not frequently encountered. For some reason we usually consider only one pole abnormal, let us say, idiots. Meanwhile geniuses are also abnormal, rarely occurring phenomenon. In this sense they also can be consider an anomaly. Only idiots are deviations to one side of distribution, while geniuses—to another. Geniuses are probably also more visible.

Mission of males is to obtain the new information from the environment. Males are the trial material for the evolution. They are more susceptible to natural selection and have higher mortality from many different factors—diseases, toxins and parasites. In this sense they are the “weak” sex. Those who survive have all new traits and new genes. The information stays in male subsystem by transferring from father to son (through Y chromosome) for many generations. Only traits that pass thorough testing will be transferred to females. Therefore, the function of males is to try and make mistakes, to find the necessary solutions to evolutionary problems. Females accomplish the tasks of the selection of men, i.e., the acceptance of successful findings. Thus, before making the statue from marble, the sculptor makes many versions from the clay. Nature acts the same way—creating a large quantity of males, checking and selecting the necessary individuals.

Harmful environmental factors influence men and women differently. Men’s adaptability or reaction norm is lower. Therefore during evolution the selection of men and women was going in different directions. Females were selected based on “adaptability” and “leaning ability”. Males were selected based on “ingenuity”, “resourcefulness” and “creativity” in the widest meaning of these words. For example, male and female individuals with identical genotype will respond differently to cold. Females can respond by building more fat. For the males this way is closed. They, figuratively speaking, must either perish, or invent fur, fire or shelter. Discomfort stimulates the search.

Theory answers a question which tasks are better suitable for men and women.

Men prefer and better solve new problems, which can be solved somehow (the maximal requirements to innovation and the minimal—to perfection). Women, on the contrary, prefer and better solve problems, which should be solved with perfection (minimal requirements to innovation and maximal—to perfection). In the historical (evolutionary) plan of mastering any skill or business, whether it be the ability to speak, skill to knit, drive the automobile, ship or plane, it is possible to allocate two phases: an initial phase of search, finding of the new decision, and a phase of its fastening and perfection. Men’s advantage in the first phase and women’s’—in the second one was revealed in special studies. Men first mastered all professions, kinds of sports, games, and hobby. Even knitting, in which now the monopoly of women is not questioned, was invented by men (Italy, XIII century). For several centuries it was solely man's business. These psychological differences are the reason why there are so many men amongst the composers, inventors, designers, engineers and scientists.

S. Geodakyan




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